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Marc Energy Solutions is an integrated, end to end solar power solution provider. We offer EPC solutions for small and large scale solar PV projects. These products are manufactured in tandem with the industry defined norms and standards at the vendors’ end. Company offers an array of products which includes Solar Power Plants, Energy Saving Products, Solar Street Lights, Solar Inverters, Solar Photovoltaic System, Solar Panel Products, Solar LED Lights, and Solar System integration. We offer Solar Power Plant complete installation for On-Grid, Off-Grid and Hybrid module.

We provide state of the art quality products to our customers and delivers the best service in the industry. Under the guidance and mentorship of Mr. Chetan Sharma and Mr. Tushar Khazanchi we have set up our base in this industry. Their wide knowledge in this field has enabled us to provide a quality assured array of solar products in the market and to ensure timely delivery of complete solution to our customers.



Peak power deficits and rising power prices

India continues to be plagued by a persistent demand/supply mismatch with a six-year average energy deficit of approximately 5% according to the Ministry of Power, which has resulted in upward pressure in power prices.

Types of Solar Solutions

On-Grid vs Off-Grid

Products We Offer

Great Value, Unbeatable Prices!

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Solar Panels

Precise Performance

Solar Inverters

Feel the Power

Solar Street Lights

Trusty & Reliable

Solar Batteries

Long Lasting Power

On-Grid Solar Solution

On-grid generates power using a solar power system and is working in conjunction with the national grid. In the case of a residential installation, the system could be placed on the roof or any safe ground area around the house that receives good sunlight. From this configuration, the actual customer receives electricity from two sources. On bright sunny days, the solar system will feed power to the house and at night or during cloudy days, the local utility company will supply electricity from the grid to the house. The free energy from the sun could help decrease energy bills. In the event more than enough power is generated, the extra can be returned to the utility company and the customer could get paid for that or could acquire some credits that could be used to offset electricity bills at later stage. This is the principle used in net-metering.


Off-Grid Solar Solution

Off grid power system does not have any connection with the grid. The utility company providing power is completely independent from any national networks and is thus fully responsible to service customers in the region. Any excess of electricity supplied is stored in batteries and can be re-used at night.

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